The Parish Pastoral Council exists to assist the pastor in the pastoral planning and organization of the parish and its life, ministry, service, and activities. It consists of members of the Parish community who help the pastor to prayerfully discern the direction and needs of the parish. It may have different focus depending on present needs or on the character of the pastor, and it can take the form of a kind of sounding board, planning and/or working group, as well as those who may represent different groups or ministries of the parish. The Parish Pastoral Council is not a voting committee, and Church law makes clear that it is consultative. The meetings are always open to any parishioners, and the minutes are available for review if requested.
President | Father Andrew Raczkowski |
Chair | Danny Gomez |
Finance Council Liason | Scott Hopkins |
Ex Officio | Deacon Larry Kasuboski |
Hispanic Ministry Coordinator | Guencho Leon |
Member | Theresa Carmona |
Member | Eduardo Delgado |
Member | Olivia Hernandez |
Member | Alex Amaya |
Member | Ronald Laffler |
Member | Dcn. Andy Boyd |
Member | Andrew Kuk |
Member | Allison Perry |
Member | Maria Rayito Tapia |
Member | Cathie Thomasma |